COAL ouvre son appel à projet pour le Prix COAL Étudiant 2025 dédiée à l'Eau douce. Créé en 2019, le…
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This changes everything est un album conceptuel de musique originale sur le changement climatique, diffusé par Splendid Fred, le label de l’université de Winchester.
Avec des paroles du point de vue à la fois de personnes qui nient le changement climatique et de personnes qui soulèvent déjà le problème, l’album présente des informations, des faits et un ensemble d’opinions sur ce problème global. Il ne tente pas de prêcher, mais porte un message fondamental : le changement climatique doit être abordé par tout un chacun, et tout de suite.
Pour renforcer l’implication de l’Université de Winchester dans la création d’un dialogue autour du changement climatique, toutes les recettes de l’album seront reversées à l’organisme « Winchester Action on Climate Change » (WinACC).
Un des compositeurs et interprète de l’album, Django Black, a dit:
» L’album attire l’attention sur les dangers de ne pas contrôler le changement climatique. Bien que cette action de bienfaisance soit locale, le changement climatique est un problème global chacun d’entre nous est responsable de la manière dont nous traitons la planète »
Le teaser de la video de l’album est disponible ici : www.youtube.com
Lien iTunes : itunes.apple.com
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This changes everything is a conceptual album of original music on climate change, released by Splendid Fred, The University of Winchester’s own record label.
With lyrics from the perspective of people who deny that climate change is happening as well as people who are already addressing the problems head-on, the album presents information, facts and a range of opinions about this global issue. It doesn’t try to preach, but carries the overarching message that climate change needs to be discussed by everyone, and immediately.
To reinforce the University of Winchester’s ongoing dedication to creating a dialogue about climate change, all proceeds from the album sales will go to the charity Winchester Action on Climate Change (WinACC).
One of the album’s composers and performers Django Black said:
‘The record draws awareness to the dangers of allowing climate change to go unchecked. Although the charity may be local, climate change is a global concern and every one of us is held accountable for how we treat the planet.’
This changes everything was released on 17 June 2016 via Splendid Fred Records and is available to download on i-Tunes at £3.99 for the whole album, or 59p per individual track.
Splendid Fred Records was launched by The University of Winchester in summer 2015, funded by a Learning and Teaching grant. Specialising in original music from the University’s students, graduates, and members of staff, Splendid Fred Records offers a platform for young songwriters and performers. With its marketing and management teams drawn from the student body, it is outward-facing and provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate their entrepreneurial skills as well as their musical abilities.
Glenn Fosbraey, founder of Splendid Fred, says: “The amount of material we have on offer is enormous, and varied. Creating an official space for our music in Winchester means we have a constant dialogue with the city, and play a full part in the creative and artistic fabric of the region.”
Splendid Fred’s first album, A list of things I never did, a compilation of tracks from all the label artists, was released in December 2015 and cemented their status as an innovator in original popular music within the region.
A teaser video for the album is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBRbwyDuUSs&app=desktop
iTunes link: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/this-changes-everything-11/id1123061974
More information from Glenn Fosbraey, Programme Leader BA (hons) Creative Writing and BA (hons) Creative and Professional Writing Glenn.Fosbraey@winchester.ac.uk
COAL ouvre son appel à projet pour le Prix COAL Étudiant 2025 dédiée à l'Eau douce. Créé en 2019, le…
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