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Symposium Hyper-Rural : the end of Urbanism ?

Symposium Hyper-Rural : the end of Urbanism ?

Ce symposium vise à définir le nouveau rôle de l'art, de l'architecture, du design numérique et du secteur culturel dans la régénération d'espaces ruraux.

du 21 novembre 2017 au 22 novembre 2017

The symposium is partly intended as a response to the outcomes of two recent publications and research projects (under). It also aims to document the emergence of a radical new programme of art and agriculture and critical rural arts practices which, in turn, propose a cultural reframing of agriculture and rural development in the post-­agricultural era. Including the New Creative Rural Economies initiative (and a conference proposed for 2018) which will further outline a wider strategic role for art, architecture, digital design and the cultural sector in support of rural regeneration and the Government’s (post‐Brexit) Industrial Stratgey.

Rem Koolhaas ‘The Countryside’ the Charles Jencks Award lecture presentation at RIBA in London, 20th December 2012. In this Koolhaas contrasts what he describes as the increasing hyper­‐Cartesian re(de)formation of the countryside, with what he also views as the regressive tendencies of the discourse of urbanism*, and the increasing whimsicality and detachment of some urban public art, architecture and design.


HYPER-RURAL: the end of Urbanism?

Symposium, 21-22 Nov. Manchester School of Architecture

Tuesday 21st Nov. 

 6.00 – 9.00pm Benzie Theatre, MMU
Stephan Petermann: OMA/AMO. ‘The advent of the Hyper-Rural and the end of Urbanism? ‘The countryside is now more volatile that the most accelerated city’
Professor Ou Ning, GSAPP Graduate School of Architecture, Planning Columbia University. ‘Chinese cities have become insufferable’
Professor Michael Woods*, University of Aberyswyth ‘The Global Countryside’ research project. ‘The Future is rural?’
Practicing in the Hyper-Rural realm; proposing new aesthetic, art and cultural genres for digital, designers, architects, curators and artists in the post-agricultural rural sphere.

Wednesday 22nd Nov.

9.30 – 11.00 am
(A) Designing the Future Rural; imagining the future rural landscapes, settlements & economies
(B) New Rural Mobilities; rethinking rural tourism, rural culture and the post-agri. visitor economy

11.30 am – 1.00pm
( C) The New Creative Rural Economies; £1 bn. p.a. to the national creative economy by 2023?
(D) After Agnes Denes: curating agriculture; new rural art/design practice and aesthetic discourse

Session I (2.00 – 3.30pm) : RIOT I Big (rural) Data, e-Agri, and CaDRE – The Creative and Digital Rural Economy initiative
The emergence of rurally specific IoT – i.e. RIOT, the use of Big DATA in a wide range of rural service provision (health/telemedicine, education, transport and flood prevention); introduction for practitioners in the cultural sector to new developments in advanced agri-research spheres;

Session II (3.45 – 5.15pm) : RIOT II Urban Rural digital dynamics: promoting new urban – digital & design partnerships
Exploring new urban – rural digital media and cultural interfaces and collaborations, engaging with the wider urban (Manchester-based) digital and design community.

Session III (2.00 – 3. 30pm) : PAAS: Pandemics, Agriculture, Art & Society; architecture of pandemics and animal welfare (tbc)
The rise of Zoonotics and animal-human diseases due to intensive industrial farming methods; animal welfare and agriculture as an important cultural responsibly. How artists, museums/galleries, designers and architects are also responding to a range of animal welfare and public health issues arising from Zoonose (animal to human diseases) related pandemics, and documenting their impact on both urban and rural economies and society.

Session IV (3.45 – 5.15pm) : Art and Agriculture – new metaphors for environmental and economic sustainability?
Presentations by some of the pioneers of art and agriculture in the UK & USA, and the new rural economies and landscapes of environmental sustainability.

5.15 – 5.45 pm Symposium plenary session


Hyper-Rural : the end of Urbanism ?
21-22 Novembre 2017
Manchester School of Architecture
More information on : e. or

A voir aussi

Architectures et Écologies de l’Amazonie – Université de Pennsylvanie
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