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Exposition inaugurale du Museum of Capitalism

Exposition inaugurale du Museum of Capitalism

Le Musée du Capitalisme d'Oakland présente une exposition collective sur le capitalisme et ses intersections avec des thèmes tels que la société, l'environnement dans les États-Unis, et présente des modèles alternatifs.

du 18 juin 2017 au 20 août 2017

The Museum of Capitalism opens its inaugural exhibition with a series of multimedia exhibits created by a diverse network of artists, scholars, and ordinary citizens, exploring the historical phenomenon of capitalism and its intersections with themes like race, class, and environment in the United States.

Featuring exhibits, artworks, and artifacts created by the following artists:

Alexander Klose, Amy Malbeuf, Art for a Democratic Society, Ben Bigelow, Blake Fall-Conroy, Bureau d’Études, Caitlin Berrigan, Carrie Hott, Center for Genomic Gastronomy, Center for Tactical Magic, Chip Lord, Christy Chow, Claire Pentecost, Curtis Talwst Santiago, Dennis Palazzolo, Dread Scott, Evan Desmond Yee, Finger Pointing Worker/Kota Takeuchi, Fran Ilich, Futurefarmers, Gabby Miller, Helen Mayer Harrison and Newton Harrison, Igor Vamos, Jasper Waters, Jennifer Dalton, Jenny Odell, Jesse Sugarmann, Jordan Bennett, Kambui Olujimi, Kate Haug, Kelly Jazvac, Marisa Jahn, Mark Curran, Michael Mandiberg, Michelle de la Vega, Oliver Ressler, Packard Jennings, Patricia Reed, Rimini Protokoll, Sadie Barnette, Sayler / Morris, Sharon Daniel, Steven Cottingham, Superflex, Tara Shi, Taraneh Hemami, Temporary Services , Tiare Ribeaux and Donald Hanson, Tim Portlock, and Valeria Mogilevich.

And including a special exhibition called American Domain, curated by Erin Elder, featuring the following artists:

Bruce Nauman, Chip Thomas, Chris Ballantyne, Chris Collins , Christine Howard Sandoval, Erika Osborne, Jesse Vogler, Terri Warpinski, Tom Miller, Winter Count (Cannupa Hanska Luger, Nicholas Galanin, Merritt Johnson, Dylan McLaughlin, Ginger Dunnill)


Video installation « Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies » 

The 16-channel video installation « Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies » (2003-2008) by Oliver Ressler is currently on display in the following exhibition: Museum of Capitalism, Oakland, USA, 18 June – 20 August 2017

The 16-channel video installation, “Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies,” focuses on diverse concepts and models for alternative economies and societies, which all share a rejection of the capitalist system of rule. An interview was carried out for each concept. Interview partners include economists, political scientists, authors, and historians. From these interviews, a video in English was produced. In the exhibition, these single-channel 20- to 37-minute videos are each shown on a separate monitor, thus forming the central element of the artistic installation.

The project presents alternative social and economic models such as “Inclusive Democracy” from Takis Fotopoulos (GB/GR), “Participatory Economy” from Michael Albert (USA) and “Anarchist Consensual Democracy” from Ralf Burnicki (D). Chaia Heller (USA) presents “Libertarian Municipalism”, Paul Cockshott (GB) “Towards a New Socialism”, Heinz Dieterich (MX) “The Socialism of the 21st Century”, Marge Piercy (USA) the feminist-anarchist utopias of her social fantasies, and the underground author p.m. (CH), the ideas of his concept “bolo’bolo.” Other videos focus on certain principles that might be of importance when discussing alternative economics and societies: Nancy Folbre (USA) speaks about “Caring Labor,” Christoph Spehr (D) about “Free Cooperation”, Maria Mies (D) about the subsistence perspective and John Holloway (MX/IE) about his ideas of how to “Change the World Without Taking Power.” 

Chosen from each of these 16 videos is one quotation significant for the alternative model that it presents. The quote is placed directly on the floor of the exhibition room as a several meter long text piece. This floor lettering, made from adhesive film, leads exhibition visitors directly to the corresponding videos and thereby provides a kind of orientation within this non-hierarchically arranged pool of videos. These videos offer stimulus and suggestions for contemplating social alternatives and possibilities for action.

The exhibition project started in Ljubljana in 2003 with five videos. In 2007 the installation has grown to include 16 videos with a total length of more than seven hours. Between 2003 and 2008 the installation was presented in 21 exhibitions all over the world.


Museum of Capitalism
Oakland, USA
18 June – 20 August 2017

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2e édition du festival Paysages mouvants – Jeu de Paume
Architectures et Écologies de l’Amazonie – Université de Pennsylvanie
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