CONFÉRENCE CUT – « Réduire, ralentir, résister : quel cinéma pour un monde en transformation ? »
Participez à la premiere conférence de l’année de CUT sur « Réduire, ralentir, résister : quel cinéma pour un monde en transformation…
We are pleased to announce the 5th GreenEvents Europe Conference to be held on nov 3rd and 4th, 2014, at Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn, Germany. The 5th edition of GreenEvents Europe shows that we have established a kind of tradition. It also highlights the growing importance of and the continuous interest in sustainability and events. We expect the conference to be even more successful than the previous ones with more than 150 national and international participants, top-quality speakers and experts. (You can download the full conference report 2013 here.) We will offer high-level input by speakers of international reputation without losing touch of the practical implementation.
GreenEvents Europe 2014 aims to deal with challenges regarding environmental protection and sustainability within an event’s organisation and promotion. It connects experts, scientists and professionals involved in event organisation to listen to other’s opinion and to broaden their perspective. According to our motto ‘Meet. Discuss. Exchange’ we provide many opportunities to start and intensify networks, exchange knowledge and best practise.
GreenEvents Europe 2014 focuses on « more sustainable food & beverage at events » without neglecting other important topics like transport and mobility, energy, resource management and new technical developments. These topics will be discussed with all parties involved (promoters, venues, suppliers etc.).
Topics to be discussed are
An ‘Upcycling workshop’ will be part of the conference as well as the ‘Culinary UPcycling’ lunch on day two which will show how the main issue of the conference can be dealt with.
Prior to the regular conference on Sunday nov 2nd, afternoon, we offer a GreenEvents Europe pre-conference workshop: « Food & beverage at events ». Participants will identify challenges and work on answering questions like ‘Why are food and beverage important topics in the event industry?’, ‘Is food part of an event and how does it influence its character, message and impact?’.
The variety of urging topics requires sessions and workshops to be organized in parallel. Therefore, form a team or bring a colleague. See our discount on the registration fee for more than one delegate per company.
GreenEvents Europe 2013 quotes:
« Looking at the growth and development of the Green Events Conference since 2010, it is proof for the importance for more sustainable events and the great work that has been done for this conference. » Christof Huber (chairman of Yourope – The European Festival Association)
« Green Events 2013 really took the next step and dared to take a holistic view upon the hotspots. So after poo, tents and waste the most pressing – and still unsolved – question seemed to be: how to power your festival on renewables. With this mission defined all participants left more informed, more inspired and very much looking forward to the next year. » Jacob Bilabel (founder Green Music Initiative)
« This year’s Green Events conference surpassed all previous years. Great topics, great speakers, brought together to explore an even broader range of issues and contexts. No wonder the audience was the biggest yet. Well done the Green Events team. » Teresa Moore (Bucks New University)
« This is my second visit to GreenEvents. Each time I have left inspired and encouraged about the level of expertise and passion behind making events better, and honestly addressing our environmental challenges. There is always much work to be done and more to learn, and this event helps to accelerate that process. » Claire O’Neill (A Greener Festival / Association of Independent Festivals)
« This years conference was another meeting of minds, with scientists, festival promoters and events professionals coming together to share experiences and knowledge – a few longstanding mysteries were solved for us, such as how many times do you need to use a re-usable cup to be more ecologically beneficial than a disposable? Green Events conference is a place for facts, inspiration and action. » Chris Johnson (Powerful Thinking / Shambala Festival)
« GreenEvents Conference is a stirring opportunity of meeting like-minded professionals to discuss best practice toolkits for sustainable event production in general and of getting inspirations to develop new tools for our own events. » Marten Pauls (Campo Event Engeneering / Rock Am Ring)
« The thing that got to me was the session on plastics. The photographs and the commentary given by Claire were horrific but the results shown as a result of banning plastic bottles from the Shambala Festival were so positive and show us the way forward. Tell the world! » Carl A H Martin (Arena & Stadia Design / Operational Consultant)
« Serving food that is both delicious and ethical at public events not only pleases the crowds, but it also supports local farmers and food producers, strengthens the local economy and is better for the environment – let’s see how far we can take this! » Nadja Flohr-Spence (Slow Food Germany e.V.)
« The Elephant Round brought up a tough theme, as it was said: « A dark cloud could be felt in the room. » But there lies the true strength to raise questions with hard answers, to think, to struggle to find a solution. Is Bono killing polar bears? Well, try to think about it, the answer is nowhere close, but there will be one… » Vladimir Vodalov (Exit Festival)
Participez à la premiere conférence de l’année de CUT sur « Réduire, ralentir, résister : quel cinéma pour un monde en transformation…
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