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HighWaterLine Miami, un projet d’Eve Mosher et Heidi Quante

HighWaterLine Miami, un projet d’Eve Mosher et Heidi Quante

L'artiste urbaine Eve Mosher se donne pour mission de visualiser les impacts du changement climatique sur les communautés locales par le biais des arts créatifs.

Originally created by artist, Eve Mosher in 2007, the HighWaterLine seeks to visualize climate change impacts to local communities via creative acts.  The vision is to use these creative acts to inspire conversations and ideally local and global solutions. In 2012, Heidi Quante, who has worked on creative responses to climate change for 14 years, recognized the great power of the project to bring together a community to better prepare and respond to climate change. She approached Eve to take the project to Miami and beyond.

The HighWaterLine is a Creative Commons attribution non commercial share alike project open to interpretation by each community undertaking it. You may chose to be an individual going out to chalk your neighborhood, a school group or another formal or informal organization – create a project that supports your interests at a scale that resonates with you and your intended audience.

The HighWaterLine project, website and Facebook page aim to serve as a method to connect the various communities creating the project so that they might support one another in their respective projects and in actions to build resilience.

In November 2013, Miami was the second city to welcome the project.

Miami is the most climate vulnerable city in the United States primarily because:

  • The city was built at sea level.
  • Miami’s sole source of drinking water lies beneath the city in an aquifer, incredibly vulnerable to saltwater intrusion (when salt water seeps into fresh water).  In Florida, nearly 7 million people rely on this aquifer for their daily drinking water.

To learn more about Miami’s vulnerability please visit the Sea Level Rise Fact Sheet.

HighWaterLine collaborated with Miami residents to use art to engage greater Miami in conversations about the aforementioned climate change impacts as well as solutions.

Irvans Augustin of Miami, FL in front of Miami. (Photo by Hugo Montoya)
Irvans Augustin of Miami, FL in front of Miami. (Photo by Hugo Montoya)

The HighWaterLine sea level rise routes were drawn by diverse residents of Miami November 13th, 14th and 17th 2013.

They created a public performance art piece the length of a marathon (26 miles) in which they were demarcating houses, historic places and more, that will be underwater in Miami Beach and the City of Miami when 3 and 6 feet of sea level rise hits Miami. Residents did hand off the chalker to one another to create these lines that literally connect the various neighborhoods.  This Miami art piece is based on data provided by Climate Central.

This large public performance piece took place November 13, 14 and 17, 2013. Please visit the HighWaterLine map to see the HighWaterLine routes as they unfold as well as hear audio stories and see photos of participants. HighWaterLine| Miami is an ongoing, living project. The art reveal is one of many activities HighWaterLine | Miami participants are engaging in. Since August 2013, community members have participated in storytelling and solutions workshops as well as brainstorming sessions including defining climate resiliency in Miami.

Since the key to building a climate resilient community is engaging diverse members of the community, the initial group of HighWaterLine | Miami participants are already expanding the project by engaging greater members of Miami’s community via the newly formed group Resilient Miami. They are already planning additional creative public education projects.

Coordinator: Heidi Quante
Miami Co-Coordinator: Marta Viciedo

Eve Mosher chalking the streets of Brooklyn for HighWaterLine NYC (2007) | photo by Hose Cedeno
Eve Mosher chalking the streets of Brooklyn for HighWaterLine NYC (2007) | photo by Hose Cedeno

The artists

Eve Mosher created HighWaterLine in 2007 in NYC. She is an artist and interventionist whose works use investigations of the landscape for audience exploration of urban issues.

Heidi Quante saw HighWaterLine as an innovative way for communities to tackle the massive challenge of transforming climate change into a local issue and took the project to Miami. Heidi brings with her over 12 years of designing environmental and human rights campaigns.

HighWaterLine | Miami has received support from The Compton Foundation, Invoking the Pause, The Whitman Foundation, 11th Hour Foundation, The Kresge Foundation and The Miami Foundation.


Links :

A voir aussi

R80 : Réponses des espèces et communautés aux changements globaux, par Anne Teyssèdre
Série podcast « Créateurs face à l’urgence climatique » par la Fondation Thalie
Hacker Citizen

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