Announcing the Master of Design Futures
The Master of Design Futures offers a radical, challenging and exciting alternative to design education where design thinking, research and…
Art at Falmouth supports the development of individual visual art practices in the disciplines of Fine Art, Drawing and Illustration. Our courses will encourage you to understand and position your work within a wider context.
The quality and continuing professional experience of our teaching staff here ensures that whatever medium or combination of media you choose to work in – from drawing, painting and sculpture to video, photography and digital media – you can attain both a high level of technical skill and critical engagement, and a strong sense of your own identity as a practitioner.
While Cornwall has long been a great place for artists to make work, there’s never been a better time to study art here. Well-connected regionally, nationally and internationally – from Spike Island and the Saatchi Gallery to art illustration agencies in New York – Art at Falmouth encourages you to engage with the art world beyond the studio and campus. Drawing on the established, yet rapidly changing, contemporary arts scene in Cornwall, we enjoy collaborative partnerships with such internationally facing local arts organisations as Tate St Ives, Newlyn Art Gallery and The Exchange and visual arts programming agency, ProjectBase.
Find out more about the courses at the Falmouth University website.
À propos de School Art à Falmouth :
The Master of Design Futures offers a radical, challenging and exciting alternative to design education where design thinking, research and…
La Chaire "arts & sciences" vise à faire dialoguer les arts et les sciences pour mettre en place des processus…
Dirigée par le professeur Paul SHRIVASTAVA, cette chaire explore les relations dynamiques entre l'art, l'esthétique et le développement durable des…