Appel à participation / création dans le paysage
L’association Artopie et la l’association de la Grange Aux Paysages présentent dans le cadre du Festival des Paysages 2011.
L’association Artopie et la l’association de la Grange Aux Paysages présentent dans le cadre du Festival des Paysages 2011.
smARTpower(SM), an initiative of the Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, administered by The Bronx Museum.
Nida Art Colony, the new subdivision of Vilnius Academy of Arts (Lithuania), is opening in March 2011.
Congratulations to the Lunar Cubit team for landing first prize.
The Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI) is a landmark initiative that has brought together artists, architects, scientists, landscape architects, and…
RAF / Reduce Art Flights is a campaign which upholds that the art world – artists, curators, critics, gallerists, collectors,…
The Program aims to invite and commission individual artists or groups from different disciplines to immerse in and produce work…
Since 2009, Bamboo Curtain Studio (BCS) has launched an ‘Emerging Artists Program, to serve the local and international cultural practitioners,…
This book brings together the strongest contemporary graphic design currently promoting sustainability and the fight against climate change.
The latest addition to the Mayor of London’s series of Green Creative Industry Guides for London, the Green Visual Arts…
Pure Water Vision: Acea EcoArt Contest 2010 is the international contemporary art contest created by the EcoArt Project cultural platform…
Creative Time is pleased to announce the inception of a new, 25,000 USD award: The Leonore Annenberg Prize for Art…
NEW LIFE RESIDENCY is the world’s first non-visual residency program for artists.
Time/Bank is based on the premise that everyone in the field of culture has something to contribute and that it…
The new MFA program in Art and Ecology at the University of New Mexico is an interdisciplinary, research-based program engaging…
Après le théâtre, la musique et le cinéma, c’est au tour de la filière Arts Visuels (Musées, galeries, ateliers) de…
Oscar Tuazon’s large-scale constructions—with their rough materiality, crushing scale, and literal precarity—overturn centuries of architectural and sculptural ideas about structure…
Appel à la mobilisation des habitants, artistes et activistes pour une réappropriation des places de parking
Appel à la mobilisation des habitants, artistes et activistes pour une réappropriation des places de parking par des interventions ludiques…
Pier Pressure by Banksy.
Ce vignoble a été planté dans le seul but de produire le vin le plus cher au monde.
les discussions se poursuivent autour des autres aspects du projet DARWIN : la Fabrique Artistique & Culturelle (fédération Pola), et…
The ÜBER LEBENSKUNST project is turning the city of Berlin into a showcase for initiatives that bring together culture and…
Re: Letter to the members of International Community and Media
The goal of the Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI) is to design and construct Land Art / Environmental Art installations…
Al Manakh: Gulf Continued is an essential and comprehensive guide to the cities of the Gulf, penetrating media clichés and…
Le prix COAL récompensera le 30 mars le projet d’un artiste contemporain sur le thème de l’environnement.
Participatory Art. Creative Approaches to the concept of community.
Kofi Annan, Honorary President of the Prix Pictet, has awarded this year‟s Prix Pictet to British based photographer Nadav Kander…
Forty years after Joe Goode’s legendary calendar LA Artists in Their Cars (1969), the East Coast strikes back.
Greenpeace et le célèbre artiste américain Spencer Tunick sont heureux de vous inviter à participer à une installation artistique et…
À l’occasion de la journée internationale contre la monoculture d’arbre, l’Espace Krajcberg aura le plaisir d’accueillir l’installation d’une artiste Américaine,…
This high quality publication showcases works of art from eighty international artists with essays by each artist about nature as…
invisible streetlight by Jongoh Lee has been designed to depict the processes of photosynthesis conducted by plants using solar energy
The art project « holy damn it » has invited 10 international artists and artist collectives to submit a contribution…