COAL ouvre son appel à projet pour le Prix COAL Étudiant 2025 dédiée à l'Eau douce. Créé en 2019, le…
www.holy-damn-it.org presents:
After the action « 50 000 posters against G 8 – On the Urgent Need for Radical Answers » the international art project « holy damn it » newly participates in the political debate on social alternatives in the process of global protest and resistance movements against war, capitalist globalization as well as patriarchal and racist power relations. The art project « holy damn it » has invited 10 international artists and artist collectives to submit a contribution for the DVD « War is Peace. »
The latest DVD-project is a compilation with artistic contributions against war, torture, global states of exception and the military management of the crisis, consisting of videos, slide shows with sound, and image montages (1-7 mins).
Internacional Errorista (Argentina), Noel Douglas (GB), Marina Gr.ini. and Aina .mid (Slovenia), Petra Gerschner (Germany), Feld für Kunst (Germany), Gülsün Karamustafa (Turkey), Carlos Motta (COL/USA), Oliver Ressler (Austria), Walter Seidl (Austria), David Thorne (USA)
The project is also a contribution to the mobilization for the protests against the NATO summit in 2009, which will be held on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the most powerful war alliance in Baden Baden (Germany) and Strasbourg (France) and to the international anti-war-movements.
Capitalist globalization and global war form two sides of one coin: The dominating political system can no longer offer new perspectives other than the administration of crisis, be it billions of money donated to banks or armament for the occupied zones. This leads to increasing militarization of societies worldwide, within and to the outside. Global war has no temporal or spatial limitation, no beginning and no end. War is Peace. In our current world order, there is no longer a state of peace doing without war. The military has become an essential means for global crisis management: whether in military border units of the EU and the USA against the right of free migration, to defend climate violation, securing raw materials and trade channels, e.g. in Guantanamo, Afghanistan, or the increasing militarization of everyday life in metropolises as well as the expansion of the authoritative surveillance state.
The DVD « War is Peace » provides artistic and political interventions free of charge. It can be used by all anti-militarists for screenings in public space, in exhibitions, in political and cultural institutions, cinemas, political events and actions.
All information on the artistic interventions, the individual works and artists as well as the ordering procedures are online at www.holy-damn-it.org
COAL ouvre son appel à projet pour le Prix COAL Étudiant 2025 dédiée à l'Eau douce. Créé en 2019, le…
COAL ouvre son appel à projets Prix COAL 2025 dédié à l’Eau douce. Ce appel est une invitation à lutter…
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