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VAA Nida Art Colony : appel à résidences et colloque en techno-écolgies

VAA Nida Art Colony : appel à résidences et colloque en techno-écolgies

Cette école propose des résidences aux jeunes artistes, designers, architectes, commissaires d'exposition et écrivains en Lituanie. Un colloque "techno-écologies" se déroulera en avril 2014.

du 12 décembre 2013 au 15 février 2014

VAA Nida Art Colony call for residency applications, symposium on techno-ecologies and a trainee

Deadline for applications: February 15, 2014


Nida Art Colony of the Vilnius Academy of Arts (NAC) welcomes proposals from emerging and experienced artists, designers, architects, curators and art researchers/writers/philosophers for its upcoming remote residencies on the Baltic Sea coast in the Curonian Spit National Park, Lithuania.

NAC residencies are most appropriate for those who seek time and professional support for critical thinking, creative process, research, experiments, artistic production, exchange and cooperation of artists as well as those who need a big studio or spectacular open spaces—the Colony is situated about 600 meters away from the sand dunes and the Baltic Sea beach. You could also benefit from meetings with visiting professors and students as well as facilities in more than ten different workshops of Vilnius Academy of Arts in Vilnius.

The Colony provides the necessary living and social conditions to ensure a comfortable environment for the artists-in-residence. Each of the five residencies is set out on two floors with 65 square meters of floor space and is equipped with all the necessary facilities.


Residencies between June 2014 and May 2015
Recommended duration of a residency is two months; possible duration of a residency is one to four months.

No grants are currently available; selected candidates are issued a letter of support for individual grant seeking. Studio and living space costs make 412 EUR/month (June–September) and 312 EUR/month (October–May), including all taxes, use of equipment, Wi-Fi, communal spaces and bicycles.

Winter residencies in January & February 2014
In January and February NAC is able to offer a couple of last-minute winter residencies. We invite you to experience snow in the summer resort and ice fishing on the frozen lagoon. Apply as soon as possible—there is no deadline—applicants with strong motivation and capturing portfolios will be invited right away. Studio and living space costs make 312 EUR/month.

Curated residencies
NAC plans to host two-month long fully funded curated residencies in October–November 2014. Please follow NAC news for further information and application deadlines.

Curatorial proposals
We are looking for curators who could propose and run a thematic residency project at NAC or curate exhibition from past and present residents archive. Please check curatorial residency programme.

Call for contributions to inter-format symposium on flux of sand and aquatic ecosystems
22–25 May 2014, Nida, Lithuania



The international symposium is a part of the techno-ecologies project which is carried out in cooperation with RIXC (Latvia). In 2014 the ecosystems of sand, fresh and salty water and human-being will be discussed and re-approached in depth during lectures, performances, in site-specific artworks, workshops and collective dinners. The participative nature of the symposium brings together 30–40 professionals for three days and nights to spend time in an intensive sharing and working environment. Artists, curators, scientists, researchers and people with interdisciplinary backgrounds are welcome to apply. Selected participants will be provided with travel grants (up to 350 EUR), accommodation and catering. Please check out the keywords, questions and keynotes before applying.


Curatorial Board of the symposium: Rasa and Raitis Smits (RIXC, LV), Andrew Gryf Paterson (Pixelache, SCO/FIN), Erich Berger (Finnish Society of Bioart, AT/FI), Satellietgroep (NL), Vytautas Michelkevičius (NAC, LT).


Call for trainee
We are looking for a trainee to work as a curatorial assistant of the NAC artist-in-residency programme. Please visit our internships section for more information.


Please send all the applications to with indication in the subject of the activity you are applying to (residency, winter residency, symposium, internship).

Nida Art Colony offers CURATED and INDEPENDENT stays for invited or selected open call professional artists, designers, architects, curators, art critics and art researchers from Lithuania and around the world.


The programme aims to foster critical thinking, creativity, innovative ideas and processes, exchange and cooperation of artists. NAC offers time, space and professional support for work, reflection, research, production and experimentation. At NAC OPEN-ENDED PROCESS is more important than the final product, but “soft” results (like know-how, knowledge or new set of mind) are expected. Possibility of failure is regarded as an opportunity to gain more experience, however, NAC does not encourage to treat failure as success.


Artists-in-residence are encouraged to engage in educational and locally based practices: an artist talk or workshop may be tailored for Nida Art School pupils, Vilnius Academy of Arts students and professors or anything in between; residents are very welcome to join local cultural and non-cultural initiatives and work with local visual and social contexts.

Professional support may range from technical assistance to studio visits by curators from influential international contemporary art institutions. From time to time NAC organizes curated exhibitions of selected residents’ works in local or international venues. Residents’ visibility is increased by presenting their work in the NAC Log, which is printed on paper as well as published online.


Duration of a NAC residency is two to six months. One month residencies are possible but not encouraged. There are five residencies available at a time.


Grants. NAC hosts about 50 artists-in-residency per year and about one third is supported by grants. NAC has two recurrent grants: a yearly Goethe Institute Grant for young German artists (by invitation only) and a yearly Neringa Municipality Grant for Lithuanian artists dealing with local issues (by open call). Other grants are project-based and vary year to year. Please, check the actual call for details.


Individual Residencies 
Duration: one to four months, between January and May 2014. The recommended duration of a residency is 2 months. Applicants from all over the world may apply.

Grants: No grants are currently available; selected candidates are issued a letter of support for individual grant-seeking.
Costs: Studio and living space rent is 312 EUR/month, including all taxes, use of equipment, communal spaces and bicycles.

Returning residents. NAC plans to establish a special production based programme for returning residents (those, who have already made a NAC residency, but express a wish or are invited to return and do it once again). In this case the residency would focus on production and presentation of a specific work of art or research.

Residents should be aware that the AIR programme may host a mix of returning residents, artists who take part in one of the NAC projects, invited artists, artists with grants, and self paying artists at the same time. We try to always have one or two local artists in the international group of residents. AIR programme constitutes one part of NAC activities, thus artists-in-residency may need to share NAC communal spaces with participants of simultaneously running projects, students and weekend visitors. NAC is especially busy in June-September. We try to do our best in informing residents about upcoming projects and visits, and encourage interaction.

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