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Rummaging in the garbage. Waste and recycling in contemporary art

Rummaging in the garbage. Waste and recycling in contemporary art

The first notions that usually come to mind when considering garbage, waste and deterioration are generally negative, when not outright nauseating.

du 29 octobre 2009 au 23 janvier 2010

2009.10.29 – 2010.01.23
Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea – Donostia
Basurama, Donna Conlon, Mark Dion, Regina José Galindo, Chus García Fraile, Chris Jordan, Vik Muniz, Ester Partegàs, Diet Wiegman

Curator: Seve Penelas

Opening: October 29th,
19:00 Rezicletas show around Koldo Mitxelena cultural center
20:00 Exhibition opening

Image: Chris Jordan. Crushed Cars, Tacoma, 2004
The first notions that usually come to mind when considering garbage, waste and deterioration are generally negative, when not outright nauseating. We are aware of the physical and chemical processes of the matter around us, beginning with the cycles of nature itself, including industrial processes, technical constructions and manufactured consumer items, and ending with the very materiality of the human being as a living organism. This crisscrossing of elements and activities-which, after all, is what makes the human being civilized and cultural, negotiating and struggling to domesticate and exploit the landscape and the ecosystem, the planet, in short-generates endless reactions, overpopulation and overproduction, upsets and imbalances, and therefore waste, before which we often do not know how to react or that, metaphorically, but also in the practical reality, we end up sweeping under the rug and looking the other way.

The visual arts look many different ways, and although they usually attract many views because of their connotations of beauty, taste, aesthetics, etc., the multiple and relational vision of contemporary artists has also wanted and known how to look under the rug at the theme of garbage and waste. In fact, throughout the 20th century, since the first collages and assemblages with the refuse and found objects of cubism, Dadaism and surrealism, to the practices of conceptual art, Nouveau Réalisme, Arte Povera, land art, and other movements from the 1960s and 70s, which focused on the material, the organic and the conflicts between what is natural and what is produced, the truth is that the idea of waste is not at all strange to the art world.

Inherent to the concept of waste, over time the term recycling has also appeared, and it has become increasingly mainstream since the energy crisis of 1973. Since then, recycling has turned into a catchphrase we apply both to the new cycles of use and reuse waste affords us after it has been separated and reprocessed, and to the idea that an artist has to recycle his or her oeuvre and style in order to more effectively meet the demands for novelty that seem to be at the very root of artistic activity, the exhibition circuit and the market.

Waste and recycling are, then, the two concepts around which this exhibition is conceived. These two terms to be addressed through the selection of works of a number of of artists who sometimes present us with ingenious visual results (for example, Vik Muniz Chus García-Fraile and Diet Wiegman); whereas others play with spectacle and provocation, yet with undercurrents pointing to the excesses of consumer society (in the case of Chris Jordan and Ester Partegàs); still others elicit protest against environmental degradation, yet they do so deploying a combination of audacity, alienation and poetics (in the case of Basurama, Donna Conlon, Mark Dion and Regina José Galindo).

Exhibition co-produced by Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea, Donostia-San Sebastián and the Centro de Arte y Naturaleza CDAN, Huesca (2010.02.05 – 2010.05.09)


List of works:

Chainwork, 2008-2009
100% sostenible, 2008
¿Qué es basura?, 2004

Chris Jordan
Cell Phone Chargers, Atlanta, 2004
Cell Phones, Orlando, 2004
Crushed Cars, Tacoma, 2004
Gas Cylinders, Seattle, 2003
Oil Filters, Seattle (hommage to Burtynsky), 2003
Recycling Yard #5, Seattle, 2004
Recycling Yard #6, Seattle, 2004
Scrap Metal, 2003

Chus García-Fraile
Pantone (15 Containers), 2008

Diet Wiegman
Regarded from two sides, 1984

Donna Conlon
Estación seca, 2006
Marea baja, 2004

Donna Conlon & Jonathan Harper
Brisa de verano, 2007

Ester Partegás
Barricadas (We do things just decided not to do… always in the process of betraying ourselves), 2005
Everything I don’t want to be, 2004
We no longer know where to love, 2004

Mark Dion
Fieldwork 04, 2007

Regina José Galindo
Limpieza social, 2005
No perdemos nada con nacer, 2000

Vik Muniz
Atalanta and Hippomenes, after Guido Reni (Pictures of Junk), 2006
Atlas, after Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, il Guercino, 2007
Narcissus, after Caravaggio (Pictures of Junk), 2005
Saturn devouring one of this Sons, after Goya, 2005

Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea – San Sebastián
Tuesday to Saturday: 10:30-14:00/ 16:00-20:30
Closed on Mondays, Sundays and Bank holidays
Guided tours for group and associations from Monday to Saturday
Telephone: 943 112 750
Fax: 943 112 755

A voir aussi

Festival À l’École de l’Anthropocène – Cité Anthropocène et October Octopus
2e édition du festival Paysages mouvants – Jeu de Paume
Architectures et Écologies de l’Amazonie – Université de Pennsylvanie

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