COAL ouvre son appel à projet pour le Prix COAL Étudiant 2025 dédiée à l'Eau douce. Créé en 2019, le…
Our program has been around for 10 years, granting space and production support for people who are doing innovative work worldwide, across the arts and sciences. During their stay (3 weeks), participants use the hacienda grounds as a laboratory for the creative process and engaging with the local community. They are free to work whenever desired in the provided studios and anywhere in the property.
Experimentation is encouraged as is discourse and collaboration. Daily group activities such as morning stretch and meditation, and occasional guided walks and fieldtrips to nearby towns and natural areas are often organized, depending on people’s interests. Because of the relative inaccessibility of the place and a desired cohesiveness of the group, all participants are required to be there the whole time, arriving and departing on specific dates and times.
Selection Process
The selection process is both by invitation and application. Participants are selected by the Residency Director in conjunction with the Advisory Board. Priority is given to proposals that merge art and science, integrate several fields within the arts, design and technology fields, and/or propose innovative approaches to culture and development. Examples of such approaches include but are not limited to: land art, social practice art, eco-industrial design, green architecture, sustainable development, permaculture, agro-ecology and alternative energy technologies.
Award / Costs
Additional Support / Funding per Session
2017 SUMMER SESSION: May-June, 2017 >> APPLICATION DUE MARCH 27th, 2017 >> APPLY
2018 WINTER SESSION: January 5 – 29, 2018 >> APPLICATION DUE JULY 1st, 2017 >> APPLY
Résidences d’artistes, Centre d’art et écologie Guapamacataro, Mexique
Session été 2017 : Deadline le 27 mars 2017
Session hiver 2018 : Deadline le 1er juillet 2017
Plus d’informations sur : guapamacataro.org
COAL ouvre son appel à projet pour le Prix COAL Étudiant 2025 dédiée à l'Eau douce. Créé en 2019, le…
COAL ouvre son appel à projets Prix COAL 2025 dédié à l’Eau douce. Ce appel est une invitation à lutter…
La ville de Joigny en Bourgogne ouvre son appel à résidence Cartographie du territoire #4. L’objectif de cette résidence est…