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« Post-Nature, A museum as an Ecosystem » : l’environnement au coeur de la prochaine Biennale de Taipei

Crédit image : KE Chin-Yuan, June 12th 2005, Floods do not retreat from Kouhu Township, Yunlin, 2005. Photograph. ©KE Chin-Yuan. Courtesy of the artist and Taipei Fine Arts Museum.

« Post-Nature, A museum as an Ecosystem » : l’environnement au coeur de la prochaine Biennale de Taipei

La Biennale de Taipei se place cette année sous le signe de l'environnement en proposant une exposition qui explore l'interconnectivité qui régit les rapports de l'homme avec la nature.

du 17 novembre 2018 au 10 mars 2019

Co-curated by Mali Wu and Francesco Manacorda with the title Post-Nature—A Museum as an Ecosystem, the biennial will focus on the interconnectivity of ecosystemic structures formed between humans and nature, and aims to serve as a platform for social experimentation, generating new interdisciplinary possibilities for long-lasting, community-driven, bottom-up synergies.

Taking this title as their starting point, the curators will approach the ever-changing nature of an ecosystem to explore how this is reflected in artistic and institutional practice. The exhibition will engage with different ecosystemic models, focusing particularly on the significance of reciprocal dependency, and how this form of functioning tends towards a holistic common good. While the exhibition venue, the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, will act as the Biennial’s central nervous system, the experimental methodology of this exhibition will transform the museum into a platform for multi-disciplinary discussion, which intends to extend outward and reach multilateral resonance outside of the architectural limits of the museum.

In Post-Nature—A Museum as an Ecosystem, the curators will use the exhibition to reconsider the museum as a social model. In the most conventional forms, exhibitions grow quickly, occupy a limited time span, and have little ability to sustain their reach, while museums instead develop slowly and organically, respond carefully to their environments and preserve their own longevity. The curators mention, if too rigidly confined by an architectural and conceptual framework, a museum can become an isolated space for art contemplation, rather than remain open to constant ecosystemic transformation, osmosis and growth. With the curatorial concept and the participating projects responding to it, this biennial aims to investigate how the museum as an institution exists as, and within, a social, cultural, economic and political ecosystem.

The curators have included not only visual artists, but also NGOs, activists, film and documentary makers, architects and other non-visual artists, in a network of interdependent and cross-pollinating positions. By presenting non-traditional creatives in the museum’s galleries, the curators aim to enhance the discussion and the exchange of knowledge, responding to the diversity and possibilities of ecology.

Artistes : Ruangsak ANUWATWIMON; Martha ATIENZA; AU Sow-Yee; Ursula BIEMANN; Alexey BULDAKOV; Huai-Wen CHANG+MAS Micro Architecture Studio; Ting-Tong CHANG; Jui-Kuang CHAO+Tainan Community University; Julian CHARRIÈRE; CHEN Chu-Yin+Solar Insects Vivarium Workshop; Lucy DAVIS; ET@T; Laila Chin-Hui FAN; Futurefarmers; Tue GREENFORT; Ingo GÜNTHER; Henrik HÅKANSSON; Helen Mayer HARRISON & Newton HARRISON; Jeffrey HOU & Dorothy TANG; HSIAO Sheng-Chien; HUANG Hsin-Yao; Indigenous Transitional Justice Class, Taiwan; KE Chin-Yuan + “Our Island”; KHVAY Samnang; Kuroshio Ocean Education Foundation; Candice LIN; Zo LIN—Weed Day; Duane LINKLATER; Nicholas MANGAN; Jumana MANNA; Museum of Nonhumanity; Mycelium Network Society; Open Green; Allan SEKULA; Rachel SUSSMAN; Vivian SUTER; Keelong River Watch Union; The Thousand Miles Trail Association; WU Ming-Yi; Robert ZHAO Renhui and ZHENG Bo.

Commissariat : Mali Wu et Francesco Manacorda
Exposition « Post-Nature—A Museum as an Ecosystem »
17 Novembre – 10 Mars 2019
Biennale de Taipei  2018
Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taïwan
Pour plus d’informations  :

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