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POLAR LAB a project of the Northern Initiative

POLAR LAB a project of the Northern Initiative

L'une des premières institutions culturelles du Circumpolar North: l'Anchorage Museum, entreprend l'initiative d'explorer les questions clés qui touchent les gens qui habitent le Nord.

du 30 juin 2014 au 30 septembre 2014

The Anchorage Museum seeks proposals for 2015 participation in the Northern Initiative’s Polar Lab.

Northern Initiative overview
As one of the premier cultural institutions in the Circumpolar North, the Anchorage
Museum is undertaking a Northern Initiative to explore key issues facing the North and
the people who inhabit it. The Northern Initiative brings together Alaskan and
international artists, scientists, anthropologists, historians, decision-makers and
influencers immersed in Northern issues. The goal: to explore and discuss challenges
facing the North today and develop insights leading to a greater understanding, broader
perspective, and celebration of place and the North.

As part of the Polar Lab project of the Northern Initiative, artists and organizations are invited to propose activities that will engage the community, such as « pop-up » events, temporary installations, live performances, community-action projects, non- studio-based residencies, events, presentations, research-based investigations, internships, and forums at the Anchorage Museum and outside Museum walls.

In 2015, the events will commemorate Anchorage’s Centennial and the Arctic. Centennial efforts at the Museum will be done in collaboration with the Municipality of Anchorage and the Alaska Humanities Forum.

Evaluation Criteria: Northern Initiative and Anchorage Museum staff will review all applications and make final selections. Projects will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Does the proposed activity contribute to Northern Initiative goals?
  • Does the project connect to the Museum’s mission, goals, resourcesand/or facility?
  • Are the necessary resources realistically available or attainable?
  • Does the applicant demonstrate the ability to successfully manage the project?
  • Are residencies set during 2015 designed with an Anchorage Centennial or Arctic focus
  • Proposal Deadline: 2015 Anchorage Centennial & Arctic Deadline: September 30, 2014
  • Proposal/Project Information
  • Local, national, and international individual artists/organizers or organizations are encouraged to submit proposals. Limited travel and artist/organizer stipends are available. Projects totaling more than $5000 in cash expenses must also include a proposal for how additional funds will be brought to the project by the artist/organization rather than through Museum fundraising. Please note that the Museum is not a granting institution and is unable to function as a finishing funder – projects that are already funded or that will occur regardless are not eligible.
  • Proposals that do not demonstrate use of Anchorage Museum resources will likewise be declined. Museum resources, in this case, range from the expertise of staff who might assist with research or technical needs; collections and archives; physical spaces, including public spaces in the Museum activated less frequently than others; and more. The museum may also connect artists to curators, scientists, historians, policymakers and other artists who might be interested in their work — forming the underpinnings of a growing international network of artists with ties to the North and supporting local artists in their projects and career development. Artists are encouraged to create dynamic new work for public engagement at the Museum, allowing for strong connections to form between the artists, the museum and the public.
  • Proposal acceptance may require meetings or teleconferences to discuss details and to establish agreements. Commitments will be made only after definitive agreements are reached, and amount and timing of expenses will depend upon the nature of each proposal. All Polar Lab collaborators/participants will be required to execute a definitive agreement with the Anchorage Museum (and, if applicable, with third party participants) which will set forth appropriate agreements on details including the scope, nature, and timing of the project. Costs accrued prior to proposal acceptance may not appear in the project budget
  • How to prepare and submit a proposal
  • The Anchorage Museum does not necessarily expect traditional proposals, and in fact encourages unorthodox paths to reach Northern Initiative goals. We are interested in the questions and methods behind your work, and the degree to which your project will benefit the public.
  • Proposals should be formatted as a single, page-numbered PDF document emailed as an attachment, accompanied by supplemental material as appropriate. Please include your name and the project name on the first page. Also include supporting materials such as hyperlinks, PDFs, or audio/visual files in the email submission. The proposal should include the following:
  • Proposed residencies might include working closely with a member of the curatorial, collections or programming staff. Artists are encouraged to engage with Anchorage and Alaska communities through lectures, workshops, meetings, collaborations or research in the Anchorage Museum’s collections. Some residencies may lead to an exhibition or program, but the primary goal is research and experience.

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