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Exposition « RE.USE. Scraps, objects, ecology in contemporary art », Trévise, Italie

Crédit image : Francesco Bocchini

Exposition « RE.USE. Scraps, objects, ecology in contemporary art », Trévise, Italie

À travers les œuvres de grands artistes tels que Marcel Duchamp, Piero Manzoni ou Damien Hirst, l'exposition se propose de documenter de manière chronologique la relation continue que l’art entretient avec des objets d’usage commun et des déchets.

du 27 octobre 2018 au 10 février 2019

From 27th October 2018 to 10th February 2019 the city of Treviso will host the exhibition « RE.USE. Scraps, objects, ecology in contemporary art « curated by Valerio Dehò. The exhibition, consisting of 87 works by 58 international artists, will be located in three different exhibition spaces of the city, including two museum sites, such as Santa Caterina Museum and Casa Robegan Museum, and a private one, the Piano Nobile of Ca’dei Ricchi.

RE.USE is a project conceived by TRA Treviso Ricerca Arte Association, organized in co-ordination with the city of Treviso and the collaboration of the Civic Museums of Treviso. There are also many Institutional Project Partners, such as the Camera di Commercio, Confcommercio, Confartigianato Imprese Marca Trevigiana, Coldiretti, Consorzio di Promozione Turistica Marca Treviso, Assindustria Venetocentro and Contarina Spa.

The exhibition has the patronage of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and of the Veneto Region. The exhibition « RE.USE » traces a journey in the history of art and artistic culture, from the twentieth century up to our days, to see in detail how the theme of Riuso / RE.USE has been addressed in several decades and by different artists and how this great theme continues to produce works and to stimulate the creativity of current generations, playing an active and proactive role in communicating relevant common social values to the public.

It’s not a surprise that this exhibition will take place in the city of Treviso, historically defined as green friendly and attentive to environmental issues; in fact, « RE.USE » will be welcomed in the most prestigious venues of the city, including the recently restored Ipogea Hall and the Foffano Ala of the Santa Caterina Museum.

Through the works of great artists such as Marcel Duchamp, Piero Manzoni, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Alberto Burri, Mimmo Rotella, Tony Cragg, Christo and Damien Hirst just to name a few of them, the exhibition aims to document in a chronological period from the early decades of the twentieth century up to today, the continuous relationship that art has had with objects in common use and with waste.

The exhibition will therefore be a real journey to admire the birth, evolution and current status of the concept of reuse with ethical and aesthetic purposes in the modern and contemporary art world.


SANTA CATERINA MUSEUM: Arman, Lewis Baltz, Hans Bellmer, Remo Bianco, Christian Boltanski, Enrica Borghi, Alberto Burri, Cesar, Henri Chopin, Christo, Claudio Costa, Cracking Art, Tony Cragg, Marcel Duchamp, Raymond Hains, Thomas Hirschhorn, Damien Hirst, Edward Kienholz, Jannis Kounellis, Armando Lulaj, Urs Luthi, Man Ray, Piero Manzoni, Fabio Mauri, Paul McCarthy, Vik Muniz, Gina Pane, Giuseppe Penone, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Robert Rauschenberg, Mimmo Rotella, Arcangelo Sassolino, Salvatore Scarpitta, Kurt Schwitters, Daniel Spoerri, Jean Tinguely, Ben Vautier.

CASA ROBEGAN MUSEUM: Giovanni Albanese, Alek O, Stuart Arends, Matteo Attruia, Francesco Bocchini, Enrica Borghi, Cracking Art, Peter Fischli & David, Weiss, Flavio Favelli, Giuseppe La Spada, Margaret Majo, Antonio Riello, Silvano Tessarollo.

CA’ DEI RICCHI: Marco Andrighetto, Michele Bazzana, Marco Bolognesi, Jiri Kovanda, Jonathan Monk, Giovanni Morbin, Pratchaya Phinthong, The Cool Couple, Luca Vitone.

Exposition « RE.USE. Scraps, objects, ecology in contemporary art »
27 octobre – 10 février 2019
Santa Caterina Museum, Piazzetta Botter Mario, 1, Treviso, Italie
Casa Robegan Museum  – Via A. Canova, 38, Treviso, Italie
Ca’ Dei Ricchi, Via Barberia, 25, Treviso, Italie
Pour plus d’informations : 

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