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Exposition Re-cycle – Au Maxxi

Exposition Re-cycle – Au Maxxi

The practice of recycling as « one of the greatest generators of creative innovation ».This is RE-CYCLE. Strategies for Architecture, City and Planet, the major exhibition that MAXXI Architettura is devoting to the architecture of the third millennium and its most innovative practitioners.

du 01 décembre 2011 au 29 avril 2012

The practice of recycling as « one of the greatest generators of creative innovation ».This is RE-CYCLE. Strategies for Architecture, City and Planet, the major exhibition that MAXXI Architettura is devoting to the architecture of the third millennium and its most innovative practitioners.

On show at MAXXI are over 80 works including drawings, models and architectural, planning and landscape design projects placed in continual dialogue with the works of artists, designers and videomakers, with broad contaminations with musical and TV productions.

The exhibition expands outside the museum with two site-specific installations: Maloca by the Brazilian designers Fernando and Humberto Campana (a large-scale installation in wood and synthetic raffia, a contemporary reinterpretation of the huts of the Indios, which welcome the visitors) and work shop roma, an installation/workshop produced with recycled materials by the German collective raumlaborberlin, both created « live » over the days preceding the inauguration.

The Carlo Scarpa Room on the ground floor instead hosts the photographic exhibition Permanent Error by Pieter Hugo (Johannesburg, 1976, winner of the World Press Photo 2006): 27 shots describing through disturbing portraits an immense, apocalyptical high-tech dump in Ghana.

Pieter Hugo will give a lecture to the museum public at MAXXI B.A.S.E. on Wednesday 30 November at 6.00 P.M. (admittance free).

Among the most well-known and spectacular projects presented in the exhibition are: the original model of the High Line project in New York; the drawing by Peter Eisenman for Cannaregio in Venice and those by Superstudio for the raising of the Colosseum; the images of the Palais de Tokyo in Paris by Lacaton & Vassal: the videos with the recycling of works by Frank O. Gehry and Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates; the model of the Trento Tunnel, transformed into a museum by Elisabetta Terragni and the photos of the project by James Corner transforming a dump into a park on Staten Island, NY.

Among the « most creative » recycling: the section Music on Bones featuring the records of Jimi Hendrix and other rock stars incised on X-ray plates of a fractured cranium or a broken tibia in Cold War Russia; an extraordinary 1500-hour MAXXI-blob that will be screened throughout the duration of the exhibition; the videos of Zbigniew Rybczynski, Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani, Song Dong and many others.

RE – CYCLE, Strategies for Architecture, City and Planet / Curated by Pippo Ciorra and MAXXI Architettura
Photographic exhibition: Pieter Hugo – Permanent Error / Curated by Francesca Fabiani

MAXXI – National Museum of XXI Century Arts
Via Guido Reni 4A – 00196 Rome
+39 06 399.67.350
Opening hours: 11.00–19.00 / Saturday: 11.00–22.00 / closed: Mondays, 1 May and 25 December

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