Festival À l’École de l’Anthropocène – Cité Anthropocène et October Octopus
Le festival d’idées À l’École de l’Anthropocène, rendez-vous incontournable pour explorer les enjeux du changement global et leurs répercussions sur…
The plateform Future Climates
Future Climates is a platform founded by Antonia Alampi and iLiana Fokianaki with the objective to shape the forecast of institutional climates by addressing the precarious conditions of individual workers and small-scale organizations of contemporary culture. At its core lies the urgency to imagine and implement new sustainable economies in response to the changing weather that affects labour rights, work ethics and funding methods.
The launching
Future Climates will launch at State of Concept in Athens with The School of Redistribution, a three-month long exhibition, research and public program: all dressed as a school. The project is conceived as a dialogue across contexts, methodologies and practices, aiming to investigate the economic conditions that determine and define the work of small-scale organizations and independent workers of contemporary culture in Athens, with a group of researchers/participants selected via an open call. It will revolve around one central question: how to transform the increasingly precarious existence of small-scale organizations and independent art workers into a more sustainable one, both in terms of economy and work ethics?
The research program includes visits to local institutions, lectures by international and Greek independent and institutionally affiliated art workers, workshops, writing and an ongoing public program.
The School of Redistribution opens to the public on April 5, with an ongoing action by Alexandra Piricifollowed by presentations and discussions with Olav Velthuis, Prosorini Akadimia Tehnon Athens, Emily Pethick, Victoria Ivanova, Maria Lind, Mohammad Salemy, Julieta Aranda and Anton Vidokle.
The space of the School is designed by Studio Miessen with the title Heiter bis Wolkig (sunny with cloudy intervals): a commentary on the current, post-2008 conflicting relationships across Europe, which—at least partially—relate to linguistic misunderstandings cum spatial separation. Miessen’s intervention is a space of conversation based on the typology of a bar, positioning itself within a longstanding tradition of artist-run bars. Instead of formalized institutional conditions, the design claims popular spaces of conversation as a form of practice.
Exposition « L’École de La redistribution », lancée par la plateforme Future Climates — du 27 mars au 26 juin
Galerie State of Concept
Tousa Botsari 19, Athens
Plus d’informations sur : www.stateofconcept.org
Le festival d’idées À l’École de l’Anthropocène, rendez-vous incontournable pour explorer les enjeux du changement global et leurs répercussions sur…
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