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Expo Melting Ice A Hot Topic – Bruxelles, Monaco, Chicago

Expo Melting Ice A Hot Topic – Bruxelles, Monaco, Chicago

The contemporary art show features the works of 26 artists from 10 countries– all focusing on climate change, specifically melting ice caps and the effect that has on all living creatures.

du 18 avril 2008 au 01 septembre 2008

The contemporary art show features the works of 26 artists from 10 countries– all focusing on climate change, specifically melting ice caps and the effect that has on all living creatures.

Many scientists agree that most global warming of the last 50 years is due to human activity. The burning of fossil fuels has thickened the heat-trapping blanket of greenhouse gases around the planet, warming the Earth’s surface. As a result, glaciers that provide fresh water for millions of people are disappearing. Ocean temperatures are rising, and on land, both plant and animal species feel the effects of melting ice and rising temperatures.
Here, artists from around the world respond to the threats posed by climate change. A total of 23 pieces are in this thought-provoking exhibition including photographs, oil paintings, sculpture, and video installations. They focus on both challenges and opportunities. They ask us to examine the effects of rising temperatures on humans, plants, and animals, on the landscape, and on the changing shape of the world we know and hopefully inspire us to take action to do our part in caring for the environment.

This exhibition is presented in partnership by Natural World Museum and UNEP.
Sponsor : Autodesk

Le lancement officiel de Melting Ice a eu lieu au Centre Nobel de la Paix à Oslo le 5 juin, afin de coïncider avec la Journée mondiale de l’environnement organisée par l’ONU, dont la Norvège est le pays organisateur en 2007. L’exposition pouvait y être visitée jusqu’au 3 septembre 2007. Le Palais des Beaux-arts à Bruxelles a également accueilli l’expo Melting Ice du 6 octobre 2007 au 6 janvier 2008 et Monaco du 21 février au 16 mars (Salle du quai Antoine Ier- 1er étage).

Artistes exposés : Subhankar Banerjee, Robert Bateman, Alfio Bonanno, David Buckland, Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Margaret Cogswell, Sebastian Copeland, Xavier Cortada, Siobhan Davies, Era et Don Farnsworth, Helen Mayer Harrison & Newton Harrison, Mona Hatoum, David et Hi-Jin Hodge, Laura Horelli, Gary Hume, Icelandic Love Corporation, Ichi Ikeda, Svein Flygari Johansen, Chris Jordan, Yoshiaki Kaihatsu, Fred Ivar Utsi Klemetsen, Angela Lergo, Jonas Liveröd, Dalibor Martinis, Strijdom Van Der Merwe, Jacob McKean, Gilles Mingasson, David Nash, Lucy et Jorge Orta, Sven Påhlsson, Cecilia Paredes, Shana et Robert Parkeharrison, Andrea Polli, Ana Prvacki, Kahn Selesnick, Anne Senstad, David Trubridge, Theo Wujcik et Justin Young.

Burning ice, David Buckland
Burning ice, David Buckland

Expo Melting Ice A Hot Topic – Bruxelles, Monaco, Chicago
Melting Ice—A Hot Topic: Envisioning Change FIELD MUSEUM, CHICAGO
April 18—September 1, 2008

Catalogue : Melting Ice / A Hot Topic: Envisioning Change
This catalogue from the hugely successful traveling exhibit Melting Ice / A Hot Topic features paintings, sculptures, photography, multimedia and conceptual installations created by 40 artists from 25 countries.
Featuring Subhankar Banerjee, David Buckland, Margaret Cogswell,
Lucy & Jorge Orta and more…
Curated by Randy Rosenberg
9.75” x 10”, 176 pages
Over 100 color illustrations
12″ x9 « , 104 pages, 100% recycled paper
ISBN-13: 978-1-60530-985-9
Shipping & Handling:
US – FREE / International – $25.00

A voir aussi

Festival À l’École de l’Anthropocène – Cité Anthropocène et October Octopus
2e édition du festival Paysages mouvants – Jeu de Paume
Architectures et Écologies de l’Amazonie – Université de Pennsylvanie

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