Le cycle de conférences Écologies post-artistiques ouvre un espace de dialogue et de réflexion critique pour penser les institutions de…
Earth Forum is a stimulating and productive way of working in small groups to explore how we live together on this planet. But it’s not just another talk shop! Earth Forum is a process of creative imagining and exchange that enables us to go beyond swapping opinions, arguments and debates. Earth Forum’s unique process enhances two important capacities: the capacity to imagine and to actively listen.
Earth Forum is a process in which everyone can contribute and participate. We invite you to donate a few hours of your time to this social sculpture process that opens up a space for working creatively with conflicting agendas, emphasises the connections between inner and outer work (work within yourself) and highlights our capacities as agents of change to shape a humane and ecologically just future.
Every human being has the capacity to see, to reflect on and share the pictures in their mind: of the past, of the present and the future. Their are no preconceived outcomes or agendas. Instead it is a creative process for experiencing how each other`s different agendas impact on the social and physical world around us and that more meaningful « negotiations » between different points of views are possible, if we really understand what each other is seeing and saying.
Earth Forum Berlin – One forum lasts 2 to 3 hours and involves 8-12 participants, there are two forums a day: Monday – Friday, 20th – 24th of February, 11am – 2pm and 3pm – 6pm
We invite you to participate in the Earth Forum process as:
– an individual interested in the themes of the Earth Forum
– a network of individuals and organisations who have diverse interests and views of sustainable development, but are all involved in the development or maintenance of one area e.g. Kreuzberg / Spree area
– an organisation or group of individuals who have similar aims and views of sustainable development, but may have different ideas of how to achieve these aims
Earth Form Training for future hosts (one foregoing attendance during the week required): Saturday 25th of February, 11am – 2pm and 3pm – 6pm, Sunday 26th of February 11am – 2pm
Contact us to join an Earth Forum process or for more information:
www.citizenartdays.de / earthforum@citizenartdays.de / 030- 49 914 661
Citizen Art Days – Cooperative Art Strategies and Participation Potentials in the Public Space Design your city actively! Citizen Art Days is a 10 days festival including workshops, lectures, discussions and city excursions with and from artists for all who are interested. You are invited to develop creative projects with well-known artist on topics such as sustainability, economy and living together in the public space of Berlin. Contribute your own ideas concerning important issues of today, share experiences and inspire one another!
Shelley Sacks The artist and activist was born in South Africa and is working at the Social Sculpture Research Unit of Brookes University Oxford. As student and later co-worker of Joseph Beuys, she explored his ideas of Social Sculptur and the relation between imagination and transformative processes. Since more than 30 years she has been working in divers contexts on social development, processes in civil society and the importance of moral intuition for a interdisciplinary understanding.
Earth Forum Berlin has been developed by University of the Trees-DE and with Citizens Art–Berlin 2012.
Le cycle de conférences Écologies post-artistiques ouvre un espace de dialogue et de réflexion critique pour penser les institutions de…
Participez à la premiere conférence de l’année de CUT sur « Réduire, ralentir, résister : quel cinéma pour un monde en transformation…
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