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Cross Species (xSpecies) Adventures in Biodivercity

Cross Species (xSpecies) Adventures in Biodivercity

The Cross Species (xSpecies) Adventure Club enlists humans to explore a biodiverse and delicious future

du 21 août 2010 au 21 août 2010

The Cross Species (xSpecies) Adventure Club enlists humans to explore a biodiverse and delicious future; to engage in culinary experiments; invest in food innovation; and participate in re-designing our collective relationship to natural systems.

Each event is an experience of the depth and complexity of our interconnections with nonhumans, exploring the web that traces our gastronomic, economic and material interdependency with butterflies, snails, geese, bats and other intelligent and delicious creatures. This supper club will present 5 courses of foods delicious and nutritious to both humans and nonhumans, with wine, beer and edible cocktail pairing and a take-home. This on-going lifestyle experiment is created by Natalie Jeremijenko, Mihir Desai (gastronomist superstar), Emilie Baltz of Fork & Design (design oversight), and other intelligent creatures.


Cross(x)Species what?

Reducing the environmental costs involved production, distribution, preparation and ingestion of foods is necessary but not sufficient. We can do more. Jeremijenko’s Cross(x)Species Cook Book and Adventure Club addresses the challenge of designing food systems that promote, augment and remediate ecosystems, that amplify the positive androgenic effect, rather than simply lessening the negative. Through wilderness adventures for your pallette you can support the research behind the Cross(x)Species Adventure Club and explore food webs, community structure, chemistry, nutrient cycles and the behavior of organisms within the context of complex ecological systems. For instance when enjoying the luxuriant creaminess of nanoWaterBuffalo Icecream [nano because of the size of the liquid nitrogen submerged ice crystals] you promote the producers (water buffalo) who demand reconstructed wetlands to reverse ongoing wetland loss for their own grazing and culinary preferences. Wetlands, are also the most effective ecosystems for sequestering carbon, and are required to produce the delectable; Wetkisses: Marsh*mallows for Kissing Frogs formerly known as Prince; and other items from the Lifestyles of the Wet and Slimy menu. Constructed wetlands can be designed as biodiversity hotspots to redress the greatest species extinction crisis the earth has witnessed since the disappearance of dinosaurs. Each adventurous mouthful of Cross(x)Species Adventure Club menu experiments will guide and instantiate these emergent food systems and habitats.


Testimonials from previous guests:

Hari Kunzru said of the drinks “like futurist jelly shots with added science” and on the dinner “a delicious banquet that was also a chemistry experiment and a message from the river” (
4PM Hands-on workshop introducing molecular gastronomy, nutrient cycling and the effects of the oil spill on connected environments

6PM An extravagant 5 course cross(x)species dining experience for the adventurous. Delicious edibles with paired alcoholic drinks trace the transport of oil thru effected ecosystems.

EXPLORE emerging food systems that augment biodiversity and improve environmental health.

INVEST in a biodiverse future.

LOCATION: NEUBERGER MUSEUM OF ART 41° 2′ 19.2444″N 73° 41′ 51.0432″W
Purchase College, State University of New York, 735 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, NY 10577-1400

PRICE: For workshop and dinner $125

RSVP: (914)251-6115

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