Le cycle de conférences Écologies post-artistiques ouvre un espace de dialogue et de réflexion critique pour penser les institutions de…
The conference is held with the participation of one of the founders of environmental ethics and philosophy, American philosopher J. Baird Callicott, who will make a presentation in the first part of the conference in the morning and take part in the debates in the afternoon.
The conference is organized in the framework of UNESCO’s activities aimed at fostering debate on the ethics of global environmental change and of science and technology, and at promoting philosophical thinking to elaborate modern paradigms of sustainable human development.
The programme with the concept note of the conference and the article “Toward a NeoPresocratic Philosophy for the First Century of the New Millennium” by Baird Callicott are attached for your information.If you wish to participate in the conference, please register with Irina Zoubenko-Laplante by sending your reply directly to her E-mail: i.zoubenko-laplante@unesco.org.
Monday 4 June 2012, from 10.30 am to 1 pm and from 3 to 5 pm.
building VI,Room XIV (level -2) located at the address: 1, rue Miollis,
Paris 15e
Metro: Ségur-UNESCO, Cambronne, Sèvres-Lecourbe, Volontaires.
Le cycle de conférences Écologies post-artistiques ouvre un espace de dialogue et de réflexion critique pour penser les institutions de…
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