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Ateliers « La lenteur par le design : mode, nourriture et charpenterie »

Ateliers « La lenteur par le design : mode, nourriture et charpenterie »

Le Headlands Center for the Arts organise trois ateliers explorant l'importance de la lenteur dans la pratique artistique. Les workshops proposent une discussion sur les techniques de production durable au sein des arts et de l'artisanat.

du 24 janvier 2014 au 02 mars 2014

Slow by Design : Fashin, Food and Woodcarft Weekend, Workshops on the Art of Slow

Headlands Center for the Arts offers a series of weekend workshops exploring the concept of « slow » as a guiding principle to creative practice. Taking a cue from the thriving slow food movement, creative practitioners across disciplines are reinventing their practices with an infusion of « slow »—committing high levels of thoughtfulness and integrity to each step of creation—from sourcing and production to dissemination and consumption.

Through the lenses of food, fashion, or woodcraft, each workshop provides discussion on the historical and local context of the « slow » movement, insights into « full-cycle » production and sustainable craft techniques, studio visits with leading artists and artisans, and hands-on activities to build individual skills.

Woodcraft: January 24–26, 2014
Work alongside master woodworkers to learn both traditional and emerging woodcraft techniques while exploring current industry trends, including « from the forest up » production, repurposing, and the return of the artisan-driven market. Activities include:

– Sculptural whittling with artist and California College of the Arts Professor Donald Fortescue

– Off-site studio visit and material scavenging with San Francisco-based Anzfer Farms, whocollaboratively craft functional, wood-based art for everyday living

– Guided discussion on socially and environmentally sustainable marketplaces for artisan goods

Fashion: February 7–9, 2014
Explore both the nuts-n-bolts and the larger conceptual context of artisan-scale, sustainable fashion design through conversation, hands-on projects, and studio visits with Bay Area designers working in site-specific material fabrication, up-cycling, and « farm to boutique » fashion production.

Activities include:

– How to find and use dye plants native to the Marin Headlands with Sasha Duerr of Permacouture; dye repurposed and locally-sourced materials

– Off-site studio visit with Matt Dick, previous pupil of Tamotsu Yagi and founder of Matocreative and Small Trade Company, to see and discuss denim up-cycling and his work with traditional artisans

– Guided discussion on the use of « fast technology » to support « slow fashion » with Kelly Lynn Jones of artisan marketplace Little Paper Planes

Food: February 28–March 2
Unearth the deep roots and fine tastes of the Bay Area’s slow food movement via site visits to local producers, DIY ocean-foraging, and hands-on preparation with Headlands’ Chef and other food specialists.

Activities include:

– Fishing and/or crabbing—depending on « the bite »— along the Marin Headlands’ coastline with seaforager Kirk Lombard

– Artisanal bread-baking in wood-fired oven with Headlands’ Chef, Damon Little

– Guided discussion on taste and food selection with Samin Nosrat, former Chez Panisse chef, who counts Michael Pollan as one of her students

Accommodations, meals
Located on the coast just north of the Golden Gate Bridge, the Marin Headlands are a quintessential Northern California experience, offering a rugged coastline, wildlife, and a refreshing quiet. Live-in participants receive a private room in one of the Center’s historic officers’ quarters. Refined from their former incarnation as a military base, the accommodations offer a rustic-chic and comfortable ambience.

Chef-prepared, locally sourced meals are served family-style in the artist-renovated Mess Hall. As in life, some of the best work happens at the dinner table, where participants get to know each other, share stories, and exchange ideas.

About workshops at Headlands
Workshops are thematic intensives that use the Marin Headlands as a starting point for creative exploration. Led by visiting artists, artisans and creative thinkers, these project-based sessions take advantage of the rich resources of Headlands’ unique site and the surrounding national park, and they provide participants with focused, residency-like learning opportunities.

For those who want an early taste of the slow program series, come for a slow dinner and panel discussion on December 10, 6:30 pm.

Headlands Center for the Arts
944 Fort Barry
Sausalito, CA 94965

More informations on :

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