Le cycle de conférences Écologies post-artistiques ouvre un espace de dialogue et de réflexion critique pour penser les institutions de…
Arts & Ecology Legacy
Following five successful years the RSA Arts & Ecology Centre, a partnership with Arts Council England, has come to a close in its current form.
Drawing from what we have learnt in that time, the RSA is developing an arts programme specifically concerned with sustainability, place making and the contribution of the arts to public life.
A key part of the RSA’s forthcoming interdisciplinary project Citizen Power, our arts programme will begin by encouraging the city of Peterborough to become a place of creative engagement. For the next two years a programme of innovative events, participatory arts projects and artists’ residencies will weave into the fabric of the city to encourage people’s sense of identity, attachment and sustainability.
RSA Arts Contacts
Having been at the RSA for over fifteen years, Michaela Crimmin has left her role as Head of Arts to work independently as a curator, producer and RSA Associate; which includes curating a new commission for RSA Citizen Power, Peterborough. Michaela directed a range of successful projects for the RSA including Art for Architecture and The Fourth Plinth series, most recently initiating and running Arts & Ecology. She will continue in her role at the Royal College of Art, specialising in commissioning art for the public domain; and is working on a new inquiry into the interface between culture, conflict and conflict resolution.
For those wishing to contact Michaela Crimmin please send her an email; for arts at the RSA contact Emma Ridgway, and for information on the arts strand of Citizen Power, Peterborough please contact Jocelyn Cunningham.
Le cycle de conférences Écologies post-artistiques ouvre un espace de dialogue et de réflexion critique pour penser les institutions de…
Participez à la premiere conférence de l’année de CUT sur « Réduire, ralentir, résister : quel cinéma pour un monde en transformation…
Architectures et Écologies de l’Amazonie est un symposium international et interdisciplinaire accompagné d'une exposition à l’Université de Pennsylvanie