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Appel à projets : « Welcome to the Anthropocene »

Appel à projets : « Welcome to the Anthropocene »

L'Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) recherche des projets mêlant l'art et les sciences. Les artistes sélectionnés bénéficieront d'une exposition et d'un espace au programme de conférences en Juin 2014.

du 10 janvier 2014 au 04 février 2014

Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences

Welcome to the Anthropocene :  Call for Interdisciplinary Artists

The Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) is calling for panel presentations from environmental artists who are making work that fosters cross-disciplinary conversations about environmental issues. If you are an environmental artist working in the field of art and science collaboration, or creating cross-disciplinary work that may be relevant to the field of Environmental Studies, please apply to present your work at our upcoming conference on Environmental Sciences and Studies at PACE University in NYC, June 2014.

Each accepted artist presentation will be included on the relevant panel and should take no more than 15 minutes. Accepted artists will be included in an onsite exhibition and in the printed conference program. AESS will additionally waive the conference fee for each artist presenter.

What We’re Looking For

AESS members are educators, academics, and researchers.  We are interested in what artists can bring to our understanding of environmental issues and how artists and scientists can collaborate to bring a greater awareness of environmental issues.  We are looking for artists who want to share their collaborative experiences and show us how the arts can educate, inspire and lead to greater understanding.  While it is not necessary that your work be strictly didactic, we are interested in seeing how art contributes to both learning and research.

The theme for the conference is “Welcome to the Anthropocene: From Global Challenge to Planetary Stewardship.” The theme engages the argument that Earth has entered a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, or the recent age of humans. Proponents contend that humans have become a global geophysical force capable of disrupting the grand cycles of biology, chemistry and geology by which elements like carbon and nitrogen circulate between land, sea and atmosphere. This disruption is resulting in profound alteration of the planet’s climate, serious threats to a large array of species and critical ecosystems and conversion of fertile lands to desert.  The conference will feature recent scholarship on and innovative pedagogical approaches for exploring this issue.

Conference highlights include:

  • Presentations and panels about various issues in Environmental Sciences by scientists and researchers at the top of their respective fields (ESS, sociology, psychology, theatre arts, visual arts, film, anthropology, economics, space sciences and more)
  • Field trips to area eco-centers (areas include national parks, urban food systems, and many others)
  • Skills-development workshops (Past workshops include community film-making, creative problem solving, and public policy)
  • Friday evening catered banquet
  • Opportunities to network and collaborate with other artists and researchers/activists/educators in the social and natural sciences
  • Opportunities to see eco-art from other visual and performing artists


To apply and submit your work, click here.

In addition to your name, contact information, institutional affiliation (if you have one), and a link to your website (if you have one), you will be asked to submit:

  • Links to five still images, videos or audio that represent the work (s) that you would like to present at the symposium;
  • A slide/link list; and
  • A short description (less than 500 words) of the work submitted.

If you are selected, we will ask you to send us five still images, videos or audio that represent the work (s) that you would like to present at the symposium.

For questions, please write Kim Smith at ksmith(at)

*DEADLINE: Feb. 4, 2013

*Unfortunately, AESS is not able to provide financial support for travel or lodging, but reduced rate dorm rooms will be available to conference participants.

From its beginning, the Association has been envisioned as a community of environmental scholars and scientists, not a confederation of disciplines. Fundamental to its members’ embrace of higher education is the notion that broad advances in environmental knowledge require disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary approaches to research and learning.

The AESS is committed to achieving its goals by

  • enlarging the capacity for cross-campus collaboration, mentoring, and shared scholarship;
  • creating a collegial process for networking, sharing ideas, publishing, and promoting both disciplinary and interdisciplinary programs and conferences;
  • developing model curricula and professional standards, and guidelines
  • supporting the career development of student and faculty members;
  • providing professional advice and public outreach on important matters of environmental science, policy, and management.

A major aim of AESS is to encourage interdisciplinary understanding of environmental science, policy, management, ethics, history, and all of the other vital contributions of traditional disciplines.

The AESS is an independent faculty-and-student-based professional association in higher education, designed to serve the needs of environmental scholars and scientists who value interdisciplinary approaches to research, teaching, and problem-solving.  Founded in 2008, the Association seeks to provide its members with the latest environmental information and tools to create better courses, strengthen research, develop more satisfying careers, harness the power of a collective voice for the profession, and enjoy each other’s company at national and regional meetings.

More information on :

A voir aussi

Appel à projets : Cartographie du territoire #4 de la ville de Joigny en Bourgogne

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