Le cycle de conférences Écologies post-artistiques ouvre un espace de dialogue et de réflexion critique pour penser les institutions de…
– Du 2 au 5 juillet 2014 –
» A Nation that destroys its soils destroys itself », Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Over four days at Falmouth University’s Woodlane campus in July this year, the RANE research group in collaboration with The Centre for Contemporary Art and the Natural World (CCANW) invite you to join us at the Soil Culture Forum.
This event provides the opportunity to hear inspirational speakers, participate in creative workshops, art events, films and games where you can touch the earth and learn about the different ways that artists engage with soil. Including a performance lecture on the ‘king of the animals’ (the earthworm) by the amazing Barbara Geiger (Fraulein Brehms Tierleben). The final day will focus on narratives and literary ways of engaging with soil. To download the poster click here. A speaker at our Forum, Alex Tolund is organising an arts programme Dirt Dialogues at the World Congress of Soil Science in Korea 9-13 June.
Soil is a material on which – even in the age of the internet – the whole of civilization depends. Along with clean air and fresh water, it is one of the fundamental components that support life on this planet. Without a healthy layer of soil, life and human society as we know it would not be able to function. Along with most of Earth’s natural resources soil can be considered finite; it is non-renewable on a human time scale.
Despite our knowledge of this fact, mankind continues to misuse and abuse this fundamental matrix of life. Climate change and pollution, erosion and desertification are all having a devastating impact. Although the word ‘culture’ has its metaphorical roots in the improvement of soil, we have lost that fundamental connection, and healthy soil is disappearing fast.
Inspiring people through art and literature on environmental issues can do what conventional advocacy often struggles to do: kindle the imagination, open minds to creative possibilities and engage communities. The Centre for Contemporary Art and the Natural World (CCANW), in collaboration with Falmouth University’s RANE (Research in Art, Nature and Environment) research group and MA Art & Environment; and other national and international partnerships, is delivering a programme of events during 2013 – 2016. These exhibitions, residencies, workshops and socially engaged activities, which include the Soil Culture Forum, will re-examine the cultural and environmental importance of soil and the underlying issues.
For information about the Artist Residencies and Touring Exhibition please go to www.ccanw.co.uk
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Le cycle de conférences Écologies post-artistiques ouvre un espace de dialogue et de réflexion critique pour penser les institutions de…
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