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Soutenez le projet LIVIN Farms hive de LIVIN Studio !

Soutenez le projet LIVIN Farms hive de LIVIN Studio !

La surconsommation de viande par l'humanité entière est un problème écologique majeur. Julia Kaisinger et Katharina Unger imaginent une ferme de culture individuelle de vers de farine afin que tout un chacun enraye le processus. Aidez-les à réaliser leur projet !

Grow healthy and sustainable food in the form of insects in your home! With our beautiful and functional desktop hive for edible insects you can grow 200-500 g of protein-rich super food mealworms!

Discover the whole project here :

This replaces about the same amount of protein that you would otherwise consume in 500g of meat, animal products or other protein foods. Feed your mealworms sustainably on vegetable scraps from your kitchen and always know 100% what you eat.

WELL, FIRST OF ALL: THEY TASTE GREAT!  But there is more to it:

Growing sustainable food is one of the greatest challenges of our century. We need new methods and technologies to feed the world!

1/3 of valuable fertile croplands are currently used only to feed the grains harvested to animals, 80% of antibiotics worldwide flow into livestock production. While seeking alternatives to industrially produced foods, many of us would prefer to avoid GMOs or pumping animals full of hormones.

Our passion is to empower you to be independent, grow your own healthy food and always know exactly what you eat.

Mealworms are healthy and good for the planet! They combine the best of meat and plant-based proteins: with a similar protein content to red meats like beef and the beneficial amino-acid profile of tofu. They are also packed with vitamins and enzymes to keep you healthy. Our design-driven approach and innovative technology empowers you to produce your own food with an efficient, pleasant and clean process.

We have done lots of taste and cooking experiments. Their taste is quite neutral with a bit of a nutty flavor. This allows to mix them into all sorts of recipes. Make them crispy as a snack, sweet or savory as an insect meat patty for your burger. Once we get funded, we will build a community platform and blog to help you start this food revolution!

The mealworm is the larva stadium of the meal beetle (Tenebrio molitor). The adult beetles mate and lay eggs of which little mealworm babies hatch. These grow into a mealworm of the size you like to eat (ca. 3cm long).  Some of them will transform into pupae and be separated once you activate the harvest process. The pupae will become beetles again. That´s why you put them into the pupation chamber again to restart your lifecycle.

Here you see an overview of how the Hive is operated. You only have to feed each drawer and activate the harvest once a week.

With your exclusive mealworm starter kit!

When you receive your Hive you also receive our specially designed starter pack of mealworms. You will place these mealworms in the pupation compartment in the top drawer, add in some oats and vegetable scraps, and then the mealworms will mature into adult beetles in a few days.

These adults begin mating, once you see tiny mealworms in the drawer, you can begin feeding oats and vegetable scraps. From then on, every week the mealworms will be lowered using our mechanisms. Once the mealworms reach the 6th drawer, you can begin your weekly harvest. This entire process of populating your hole Hive for a weekly full harvest should take approximately 8-9 weeks.

It all started when founder Katharina left her little home village on the border between Austria and Hungary to venture into the world as an industrial designer. She ended up in Hong Kong where she realized that most of the food there was imported and almost no one knew where it came from. That´s why she started to investigate the current food system and looked into alternatives. Insects were one of the future proteins that were very promising and perfect to create a solution for people to grow their food independently at home.

Her first project and design was called “Farm432” and was a design rearing the black soldier fly larvae. This took her all around the world, for example  working on insect breeding in Africa and Hawaii. After more prototyping and a Beta manufacturing trial for a research institute in Malaysia earlier this year she founded a new company, Livin Farms, dedicated only to growing edible insects. Long time friend and design partner Julia Kaisinger joined the team as a co-founder permanently and the redesign and development of the Hive followed. Now Livin Farms is exited to produce it and carry on with their mission to bring insects into everybodies homes!

We need your help to bring the dream of becoming independent in our production of food to life! We have a great team, a ton of support, and an outstanding product, but getting production up and running is very expensive.

By backing our campaign you will help us fund:

  • Tooling and manufacturing costs
  • Metal stamping tools for the enclosure
  • Other production costs
  • FCC, CE, CSA, UL, FDA certification

Support them here :

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