369 éditions : une exploration des mutations d’aujourd’hui
369 éditions ouvre des brèches où les mutations du monde se racontent, les perspectives se multiplient et de nouveaux savoirs…
Edité par Maja et Reuben Fowkes, publié par Translocal Institute Budapest, 2015
Contributors: Greta Alfaro, Lise Autogena, Vlad Basalici, Anca Benera and Arnold Estefan, Ursula Biemann, Axel Braun, Peter Coates, Ian Fairlie, Fernando Garcia-Dory, Michal Hvorecky, John Jordan and Isa Fremeaux, József R. Juhász, Tamás Kaszás and Anikó Loránt, Szabolcs Kisspál, London Fieldworks, Cecylia Malik, Ilona Németh, James Prosek, Andrea Roe, Martin Schmid, Miruna Tîrcă, Vaylo.
Challenging anthropocentric conventions that seek to harness the river for economic, cultural and political purposes, River Ecologies places the complex ecological materiality of the Danube at the centre of artistic and scholarly attention. Drawing on the insights of artists, scientists, anthropologists, writers and environmental historians, brought together in the experiential setting of the River School, this collective inquiry journeys to sites of urban and natural wilderness to explore issues of reciprocity, resilience, non-human agency and interspecies solidarity. From the confluence of contemporary art and environmental humanities, the artistic and theoretical reflections of River Ecologies flow through the critical habitats of Rewilding Mentalities, Avian Ethnographies, Environmental Histories and Biosphere Responsibility to reengage with the natural world.
River Ecologies: Contemporary Art and Environmental Humanities on the Danube is edited by art and ecology researchers Drs. Maja and Reuben Fowkes, directors of Translocal Institute of Contemporary Art Budapest. The Translocal Institute is a centre for transnational research into East European art and ecology based in Budapest that operates across the disciplinary boundaries of art history, contemporary art and ecological thought.
This publication is realised within the framework of the Green Art Lab Alliance (GALA) and with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union.
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369 éditions ouvre des brèches où les mutations du monde se racontent, les perspectives se multiplient et de nouveaux savoirs…
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